Thursday, October 09, 2014

Summer's profession of faith!

Church, ministry, the Bible, Jesus, and God are all a very big part of our family's daily life.  We send our children to a private Christian school, by choice.  Our children are at the church most every time the doors are open. However, we don't take it for granted that all of our children freely accept the free gift offered to them at salvation.  Our son, Carter, made a profession of faith over a year ago and was baptized last April.  Since then, our daughter, Summer, has been very curious about her faith and having a relationship with Christ.  She has had many conversations with her daddy and me, her grandparents, her teachers at school, and her Sunday school teachers about this relationship.  We have thought she was ready for a while to take the step, but we did not want to push in any way, so we waited.  And waited.  
This past Saturday night, the children were bathed and ready for bed.  David and I were folding clothes in the dining room, and he left to go pray with the children before they fell asleep.  Unless he is out of town or at a meeting of sorts, he prays with our children every night.  This particular night, he was taking forever.  I teased him later about trying to get out of folding clothes.  I knew when he came down the hallway though that something remarkable had happened.  It was all over his face.  
Most of you have never had the privilege of praying with our daughter, Summer, but she prays the sweetest, most sincere prayers.  On Saturday night, she prayed the most important prayer of all.  She prayed to ask Jesus to be her Savior.  And on Sunday morning, she walked down the aisle and prayed with her daddy at the front of the church.  
It was such a sweet moment for our family, one we will never forget, and thanks to modern technology, we never have to.  After he and Summer prayed, David shared with our church family of Summer's decision.  He told the church that Summer told him that the reason she wanted to become a Christian was so that she could tell others about Jesus. 
We had a little family photo shoot after church to commemorate the big event.  I love this picture of me with my girl.  She has been grinning ear to ear since her profession.  
Sweet sisters.  
The three girls.  I am sad I didn't make Carter come out to take a picture with Summer, too.  On her baptism day, I will be sure to do it! 
Summer and David.  Summer, we are so very proud of this decision you have made to follow Jesus.  We pray that He will capture your heart and cause you to do amazing things for His kingdom and His glory.  We love you to the mon and back a whole bunch of times! 

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